Dog Behavior & Training

Training Your Dog To Make Eye Contact & Focus
It is extremely useful to teach your dog the ‘focus' command. When the focus command is given, the dog should make eye contact with the speaker and await the next instruction. Having your dog focus on you before giving further commands makes it easier for the dog to listen and obey, as it puts the […]

10 Tips to Make the Dog Park a Positive Experience for You and Your Puppy
Dogs are social animals and can greatly benefit from regular interactions with their canine friends. It's good for both their mental and physical health. An easy way to socialize and exercise your new pet is to visit your local dog park. Here are 10 tips to make it a positive experience for both you and […]

A Guide To Socializing Your Unsociable Dog
The beauty of canine companionship is that they all have their own personalities. You may have chosen a dog that is outgoing and affectionate, a dog that has no problem fitting in with any group of people or any group of canine companions. Other dogs are not so easy-going and may find these interactions intimidating […]

How to Train Your Dog to Be Your Alarm Clock
Many people have trouble waking up when the alarm goes off. They're busy during the day and sleep time sometimes feels like a waste, so they delay heading to bed. Then they may lay in bed for hours trying to fall asleep. When the alarm goes off, it yanks them out of deep sleep and […]

How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing Furniture
If your dog chews furniture, you might wonder what to do about the problem. Furniture is expensive to replace and an eyesore once it shows countless teeth marks. Welcoming guests to your home can be embarrassing if your tables and chairs look scruffy. Moreover, it is difficult to relax when sitting amongst the mess left […]

Six Ways to Solve Your Dog's Boredom
A bored dog is bad news. Bored dogs are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems, such as barking, digging holes, or causing destruction to your property. More importantly, a dog with nothing to do is an unhappy creature. If you want to provide the best possible life for your beloved pet, then relieving their boredom […]

6 Tips for Dealing With a Fearful Dog
Not every dog is going to be a bundle of joyful energy. There are dogs out there that have issues with shyness or fear, especially dogs who have been adopted, rescued, or saved from a shelter. The dog may have been abused by a previous owner and is fearful due to trust issues, or the […]

5 Basic Commands You Should Teach Your Dog First
Your dog doesn't have to become an obedience champion to become a well-behaved, enjoyable pet. A few simple commands, which can be learned in any basic obedience class or at home, can turn the friskiest puppy or most excitable dog into a model companion. Command #1: Teaching Your Dog To Come When Called Coming when […]

How to Find a High Quality Dog Trainer
So you've decided to have your dog trained by a professional. Having your dog trained is a great way to make sure that it becomes obedient and safe, two things you'll definitely want to ensure if you have a family. However, once you decide to have your dog trained, you're going to have to find […]

Is Your Dog Ready For The Dog Park?
Dog parks are increasing in number and popularity all over the United States. There are many benefits to taking your pup to a dog park. However, there are several things to take into account before you go. So, how do you know if you and your dog are ready to begin visits to your local […]

How To Train Your Dog To Be Off Leash
One thing most new dog owners want to start working on right away with their dog is training their dog to be off leash. That's exactly what we're going to cover in this article. Knowing how to train your dog to be off leash is so critical to both your enjoyment and the enjoyment your […]

Will Boarding My Dog at a Kennel Stress Him Out?
Boarding kennels are a bit like daycare, and your dog is kind of like a kid – in fact, if you're like most dog owners, you probably consider Fido to be one of your babies. Sometimes, boarding your dog is absolutely necessary, just like sometimes putting a child in daycare is the […]

How To Find Healthy Dog Treats For Training
Dog owners give their pets treats to express their love, but healthy dog treats, also play a critical part in dog training and rewarding good behavior. Treats are a valuable way to reinforce your satisfaction when your dog obeys. Like humans, dogs repeat the behaviors that bring the greatest rewards. Although they […]

How to Stop Dog Barking
How to stop dog barking with free dog & puppy training tips, commands, techniques, methods & devices. All your dog behavior questions answered, abused dog behavior, growling, separation anxiety

Dog Owners Guide To Excessive Panting In Dogs
Excessive panting in dogs can be caused by a number of different factors – it might be due to heat exhaustion, heatstroke or due to the symptoms of an underlying illness, disease or undiagnosed health problem. Unlike humans dogs do not have sweat glands so are not able to perspire (sweat) to […]

Training a Husky
My 2 year old female husky wont stop whinging and howling. I have not been at home a lot lately due to a lot of travel for work but my mother and my brother

How To Stop A Dog From Chasing Cats Outside
Dog Chasing Cats – what can I do? When my 15 year old daughter is walking her 3 year old Staffordshire bull terrier cody she get pulled right over whenever

How To Stop A Dog From Pooping In The House When Gone
Every single time without fail that I leave the apartment that I live in my 1 1/2 year old Pitbull mix dog poops in his bed how do I stop this from happening.
Secrets to Dog Training – Snappy, protective Chihuahua! My Chihuahua attacks children and strangers.
My 2 year old chihuahua is really protective of me and whenever children or strangers come near me he freaks out and attacks them. Children always come
Stop my Dog Chasing Sheep
My 18 month old cocker spaniel has recently found the delights of chasing sheep, she is usually quite good at recall but seems to become deaf when so distracted.