Dog Health & Wellness

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? (Common Causes, Prevention, and Treatment)
Dogs eating their own feces, also known as coprophagia or coprophagy, is a common behavioral issue that many pet owners may encounter. While the behavior may seem disgusting or unsanitary to us, it is actually a natural instinct for dogs. For example, female dogs may consume the feces of their puppies to keep their den […]

What Does Scabies Look Like?
So, what does scabies look like? Scabies looks far worst than just a rash! Scabies which is also referred to as mange is a horrendous skin infection that causes untold misery to any dog or puppy that is infected by the parasite referred to as Sarcoptes Scabiei. Please bear in mind that this page is […]

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Dog
Mosquitoes are miserable enough for people to deal with, and they're equally annoying to our dogs. They get bug bites just as easily as we do, and they can also get the various diseases that mosquitoes carry. While dogs are immune to some of the diseases mosquitoes have been known to carry, they can contract […]

Dog Bite Facts and What to Do If You Are Bitten
Some common reasons for dog bites are provocation, aggression, excitement, and health problems. Usually, dog bites are just an accident, like a nip from a puppy going through the teething process. Sometimes, it's just a question of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, for example, getting caught in a dog fight. Whatever […]

4 Tips for Dealing with the Loss of Your Dog
If you're like many pet owners, your dog is an important part of your family. Just like your human family members, you'd love for your pup to be around forever. Unfortunately, dogs have relatively short lifespans compared to people and eventually we'll have to let them go. While the death of a pet is always […]

When and How to Induce Vomiting in Your Dog
As responsible pet owners, it is important to safety-proof your home to prevent your dog from getting into any potentially hazardous or toxic substances. Nonetheless, given dogs are notorious for eating just about everything, the need to induce vomiting in your dog may occur. Fortunately, as long as you are prepared with the proper knowledge […]

Care for Dog Vomiting and Diarrhea
Dogs may vomit for a number of reasons; some reasons are minor, but others are, in fact, cause for concern. It is important to know how to differentiate between the times when it is not absolutely necessary to consult a veterinarian and when it is vital to take immediate action. Upset Stomach […]

Tips For Living With A Vision-Impaired Dog
Dogs can be born blind or can become blind through injury or illness. A recent study at Illinois State University has shown that these animals can still be wonderful companions and can easily compensate for their impairment in a number of ways. However, vision-impaired dogs may require a bit of extra care to ensure their […]

6 Ways to Keep Your Small Dog Safe
Caring for a small dog carries special responsibilities that every new dog owner should know. Because of their size, these dogs may be especially vulnerable to temperature and injury from everyday activities. These issues often occur with small puppies, but they can also affect toy breed dogs throughout their lives. Accidents are […]

How Proper Diet Can Prevent Disease In Our Pets
Vets treat most animal health problems with antibiotics or pain medications. However, nutrition has a great influence on the development of animal illnesses and you can prevent many diseases with a proper diet, especially kidney, liver, skin and digestive tract problems. While diet may not always cure a disease, it can usually ease the symptoms. […]

Diagnosing Liver Disease in Dogs
The liver is one of the largest organs in the body and is responsible for processing biochemicals produced by the body or ingested. It fights disease, provides nutrients and energy to the rest of the body, and helps with growth and reproduction. As it is involved in so many body processes, it is not surprising […]

Common Reasons Why a Dog Won't Eat
Some dogs live to eat, other dogs less so. We use food rewards to train service dogs, and the act of giving a treat is a source of much pleasure to both dog and owner. So if your dog goes off his food and refuses to eat, it can be deeply worrying – especially if […]

Prostate Disease in Dogs: The Dog Owner's Guide
If your dog is male, be that entire or neutered, he has a prostate gland and you should read this guide. The trouble is that this seemingly insignificant gland can cause a lot of problems; indeed an eight-year old entire male dog has an 80% chance of developing prostate disease. If that […]

The Top 10 Dog Injuries and How to Prevent Them
“Always expect the unexpected.” Whoever wrote this, obviously worked at a veterinary clinic. Any veterinarian will tell you if the day diary looks quiet, it's just the calm before the storm because a pet in serious distress doesn't book an appointment in advance. No one intends for an accident to happen – […]

A Dog Owner's Guide to Canine Dry Eye
It's not often a topic makes a particular patient instantly spring to mind, but say “dry eye” (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and I immediately think of Ben, a gorgeous bear of a German shepherd. Ben was a gentle giant, an imposing dog that some children avoided, and yet all he wanted was love. But […]

Ten Dangers to Your Dog During the Summer
Summer opens up a lot of things for dog owners to do. However, responsible dog owners should be aware of the dangers that the season can bring to their pets. 1. Sunburn Dogs can get sunburned, just like people. Light-colored dogs and dogs with thin fur are at high risk of sunburn. […]

The Dog Owner's Guide to Canine Conjunctivitis
At face value conjunctivitis may appear a simple condition: After all, what's so complicated about an eye infection? But to assume conjunctivitis is just a matter of infection is to do this important problem a disservice. Indeed, there are many reasons for a dog to have a sore, red eye, and it's […]

A Dog Owner's Guide to Ear Infections In Dogs
Most dogs will suffer from an ear infection at least once in their life, while some are plagued by regular flare ups. You could liken ear infections to the “perfect storm”, where several factors align to create the problem; for some dogs those factors are long term (for example an allergy or a weak immune […]

Heartworm in Dogs – The Dog Owners Guide
When it comes to unpleasant parasitic infections, heartworm is in a league of its own. Indeed the worm, Dirofilaria immitis, responsible for this infection competes for the dubious honor of being the “most pathogenic (deadly) parasitic worm affecting dogs.” Perhaps you have a new puppy and are wondering about heartworm preventatives. Or […]

Influenza In Dogs – The Dog Owners Guide
If you are a dog owner and watch the news, the chances are you're pretty worried right now. Stories of dogs dying from canine influenza are alarming, to say the least, and may leave you with more questions than answers. If you're left wondering if it's safe to board your dog or send them to […]