Cure a Dogs Upset Stomach, Symptoms of Bleeding Ulcers, Treatment, Sign

Learn how to cure a dogs upset stomach pain fast… …Including the causes & best treatment for your dog, whether it’s upper stomach pains, due to a virus, food, peptic ulcer, a bad diet, parasites or bloating. Your dog may have a peptic ulcer or something more serious such as showing signs of bleeding ulcers. Consequently, we have provided a home remedy and advice on the best food or diet whether it’s bland or something more exciting…it’s all here!
Symptoms of Bleeding Ulcers…
The symptoms of bleeding ulcers in dogs can include…
- Vomiting, check out our section on the cause of dog vomiting for more advice.
- Vomiting with blood.
- Loss of appetite.
- Pale gums.
- Black Stools – due to undigested blood.
- Abdominal pain
- Weakness
- Collapse
- Death – very suddenly.
- Shock
If you have any questions why not ask a vet – just fill out the box with your question and get access to vet advice 24/7.
As I was taking my California online traffic school, I started noticing my dog was acting strange, and soon I realized it was due to an upset stomach. Here are some reasons dogs get upset stomaches and how to cure it.
Causes of Stomach Ulcers in Dogs…
The most common causes of stomach ulcers in dogs can include the following…
- Medication that has been prescribed to your dog for illnesses like, arthritis or skin conditions can cause canine ulcers.
- It is also possible for extreme and chronic health problems like corticosteroid or NSAID’s to cause stomach ulcers in dogs.
- Pain killing and pain relief medication like ibuprofen or aspirin actually inhibit a substance that protects the lining of the dog’s stomach.
- Mast cell cancer can also cause canine stomach ulcers as they release a specific histamine that causes ulcers.
Diagnosis & Treatment for Stomach Ulcers in Dogs…
- Your dog may need blood tests
- Feces tests
- Urine tests
- An endoscopic examination maybe necessary.
- Ultrasonography
- Your dog may need to have specific treatment or antacid medication that lines the stomach.
- A change of diet maybe needed. Take a look at our section on homemade dog food and healthy homemade dog food recipes for more advice – although these are not recipes specifically for stomach ulcers.
- Your vet may also prescribe medication to cure a dogs upset stomach and help with any diarrhea or vomiting.
Some home remedies to help cure a dogs upset stomach caused by ulcers..
Speak to your vet before using any of these herbs as treatments for your dog…!
- Licorice Root – This herb helps to rebuild the stomach lining by stimulating the cell growth.
- Aloe Vera – This fantastic little herb is great at relieving vomiting and can actually help the ulcers to heal faster.
- Slippery Elm – This herb actually lubricates and helps sooth and protect the stomach wall and digestive tract.
How to Cure a Dogs Upset Stomach
A really great way to cure a dogs upset stomach naturally is by using a manuka honey, it is also great to use if your dog has a peptic ulcer.
It might be a simple reason why your dog has has an upset stomach such as him eating something bad. Some people recommend using a natural home remedy rather than using something that is synthetic, and this is why manuka honey is a popular choice as it helps coat the lining of your dogs stomach and also acts as a soothing agent. Manuka honey can also help your dog digest his food easier.
After you have consulted your vet, place one tea spoon of manuka honey on a piece of bread and feed it to your dog.
Peptic Ulcer
If your dog is suffering from a peptic ulcer put one tea spoon of manuka hone on a piece of bread 20 minutes before feeding your dog and juts before he goes to sleep at night. The honey is supposed to coat your dog’s stomach and then kill the h. pylori or Helicobacter Pylori which is the bacteria that may cause canine peptic ulcers.
Bloat or Bloating
This is a very serious condition in dog’s and your dog will need urgent attention from your vet.
- Bloat is the second biggest killer of dogs after cancer
- It is often caused by your dog swallowing air.
- Bloat is normally caused when a mixture of air, fluid and foam have accumulated in the stomach this is often cause gastric dilatation.
- Bloat can happen with or without the volvulus twisting.
- Your dog’s stomach will begin to swell and as it swells and gets bloated it will turn and rotate 90 – 360 degrees.
- Of course the stomach is still attached to the esophagus and the upper intestine causing more problems as the stomach twists.
- As the stomach twist more air, fluid and food will get trapped.
- Your dog’s bloated stomach will now start to obstruct veins in your dog’s abdomen causing possible shock, internal damage.
- All of this together can very quickly kill a dog.
Symptoms of Bloat or Bloating
Below are just some and not all of the symptoms your dog may exhibit…
- Attempts at vomiting
- Anxiety
- Not seeming himself
- Your dog may become hunched up.
- Gurgling or strange sounds in your dog’s stomach
- whining
- pacing the floor
- pale gums
- Thirst and drinking lots
- Unable to poop
- Drooling and salivating
- Your dog may lick the air
- Your dog may decide that he won’s sit or lie down.
- May crouch or curl up
- Panting
- Breathing rapidly
- Weak pulse
- Collapse
- Rapid heart beat
Causes of Bloat or Bloating
Below are some but not all of the causes of Bloat…
- Due to the size, breed etc
- Stress
- Gulping air
- Eating too fast
- Eating foods that produce gas like brewers yeast or soya bean
- Eating dry food that contains fat as one of the first of the four ingredients
- Drinking to much water before eating – this may dilute the gastric juices that help digestion.
- Your dog may not have enough pancreatic enzymes.
- Dog bowl placed in a high position
- He is an older dog
- Being underweight
How to Prevent Bloat or Bloating
- Take your dog to the vet immediately on any suspicion of bloat
- Reduce carbohydrates
- Don’t just feed your dog dry food
- Feed your dog a good diet
- Don’ allow your dog to drink or eat too fast or too much.
- Avoid Alfalfa, brewers yeast or alfalfa
- Feed your dog 3 times a day and not just the once
- Avoid stressful situations
- Place the dog bowl on the floor.
We hope you have found all our advice useful and a helpful guide to cure a dogs upset stomach as fast as possible. But please don’t use any treatments on this page until you have seen your vet for advice.
Congratulations – you have learned all the techniques on how to cure a dogs upset stomach!