Dog Training Techniques, Dog Training Tools, Free Puppy Training Tips

The Dog training techniques covered on this page include clicker dog training, how the dog whisperer works his magic…and we will also provide a guide to reward based training also known as positive reinforcement.
The Dog Whisperer.
In a nutshell a dog whisperer is a person who has developed a deep understanding of how a dog thinks.
By understanding dog and puppy behavior and how the canine species think and by forming a deep connection with the dog – a dog whisperer is able to communicate on a level that normal constraints do not allow.
Dogs and humans are a very different species with obvious language barriers that can often lead to a communication breakdown.
This breakdown in communication is one of the main causes of dog and puppy behavior problems and may lead to the dog being given away.
However, the dog whisperer communicates with a dog by using specific dog training techniques, methods, devices and dog training tools known as dog whispering which allow the dog whisperer to have a real one on one conversation with a dog or puppy that can be extremely effective.
Have you ever had the situation where you have desperately been trying to tell someone something without actually talking.
You may have shrugged your shoulders because you were confused, you may have even raised your eye brows.
You may have seen someone sat with their arms crossed in a closed position or yawn because they were bored-all of these are non-verbal ways of expressing yourself.
These are all of the dog training tools,techniques,commands and methods that a the dog whisperer will use.
Unfortunately in our day to day lives many people don’t pay any attention to our non-verbal communication and this can lead to someone simply not understanding how we feel.
Fortunately as humans we are able to verbally tell people when they do not respond to our body language and this can help alleviate any stress or mis-understanding.
Dogs often communicate with body language, gestures and other small inflections that a normal dog owner may not pick up on.
Unfortunately this natural lack of understanding when it comes to a dog’s body language and dog or puppy behavior and gestures may lead to the dog or puppy finding other ways to make his feelings known – yes you guessed it – dog or puppy behavior problems start.
A dog whisperer has learned and been trained to understand all of the natural gestures and body language a dog may display-it maybe a defensive posture or submissive urination and rolling on his side.
All of this is understood by a dog whisperer rather than ignored as normal behavior.
The dog whisperer will then use their understanding of non-verbal dog or puppy behavior and verbal communication to train a dog more effectively.
Dog Training Techniques.
Clicker Dog Training.
Clicker dog training is another reward based dog training technique that is often used to reinforce positive dog or puppy behavior.
The dog trainer holds a small clicker (a mechanical device) – that he/she clicks at the exact same moment that the behavior occurs and will then reward with a treat, praise or both.
This ‘click’ tells the dog that what they are doing is right – if your dog ‘sits’ then you click – and sit means sit!
Karen Pryor (a clicker dog trainer) uses quite a nice term to explain the use of a clicker.
She states that every-time you click it is like taking a picture and after you have taken the picture you reward your dog with a small treat.
It will not take a dog long to realize and associate the click with a reward and it can be achieved within about three or four clicks as a dog will repeat the behavior that you have taught and reinforced so that the dog can get his treat.
Karen Pryor states:
- Get the dog or puppy behavior.
- Mark the dog or puppy behavior (with the clicker.)
- Reinforce the dog or puppy behavior (reward the behavior with praise or a treat.)
Reward Based Training Techniques.
Dog Training Techniques
Reward based dog training methods, techniques, tips, tools, commands or devices are also known as – positive reinforcement.
By giving your dog lots of praise during the dog or puppy obedience training process and then acknowledging how well your dog has done by giving him a treat is a very effective dog training tool.
By praising and rewarding positive dog or puppy behavior your dog or puppy will want to please you so that he can get his reward and praise.
Depending on how you want to reward good dog or puppy behavior – a pat on the head maybe enough or a small doggie treat – but make it one of his favorites.