FDA Advisory: Potential Salmonella Contamination in Darwin’s Natural Pet Products

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing an advisory to pet owners regarding specific lots of Darwin’s Natural Pet Products. Samples from these lots have tested positive for Salmonella.
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Chicken Recipe with Organic Vegetables for Dogs, Lot 9774, manufactured on June 13, 2023.
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Chicken Recipe for Cats, Lot 9795, manufactured on June 28, 2023.
- Darwin’s Natural Pet Products Natural Selections Chicken Recipe for Cats, Lot 9830, manufactured on July 19, 2023.
These products, produced by Arrow Reliance Inc. under the brand name Darwin’s Natural Pet Products, come in white and clear plastic packages. The dog food packaging features blue labeling, while the cat food packaging includes both blue and green labeling. Each package weighs two pounds and is divided into four separate units. The lot codes can be found on the front of the lower left unit of each package.
If you possess any of these products or cannot determine the lot code, you should discard them immediately. They should not be fed to pets.
Salmonella poses a significant risk to both humans and animals. Although the FDA has recommended a voluntary recall by the manufacturer and advised public notification, Arrow Reliance Inc. has not yet initiated such actions. The FDA’s primary concern is that since these products are stored frozen, consumers may still have them at hand and may continue to give them to their pets.
Salmonella is a bacterium harmful to both humans and animals. In humans, it can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. While many recover without treatment, severe cases require hospitalization and antibiotic treatment.
Pets infected with Salmonella may not always show symptoms. However, they can manifest as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, appetite loss, or reduced activity. It’s crucial to consult a veterinarian if your pet displays any of these signs.
Salmonella-contaminated pet food is of particular concern due to its potential to harm both humans and animals. Infected pets can transmit the bacteria to their owners. Once Salmonella establishes in a pet’s gastrointestinal tract, the animal can spread the bacteria, heightening the risk of further transmission.
For more information, please refer to the following article: FDA Advisory: Do Not Feed Certain Lots of Darwin’s Natural Pet Products for Dogs & Cats Due to Salmonella