House Training Dogs, House Training a Puppy, House Training Older Dogs

House Training Dogs…
In this section you will learn all about house training a dog, older dogs and puppies.
Due to the fact that house training or housebreaking a dog or puppy can sometimes take some time, we have split this section into different pages so that you and your dog or puppy can learn the house training process step by step.
On this page we will go through the basics that you need to know when house training dogs and puppies.
We have included tips on when to let your dog out, the signs you need to be aware of so you know the exact moment to let your pooch out, what to do if you catch your dog in the act and lots more dog training tools, techniques, tips and advice.
You can get more tips on housebreaking a dog and puppy by following the links throughout this page. Take your time and don’t rush!
House Training Dogs
Believe it or not it is quite possible to house train a dog or puppy within 2 weeks if you follow the steps that we will outline throughout this page.
- When house training a dog or puppy you need to make sure that he has as many opportunities to succeed as possible.
- Reward your dog or puppy every-time he toilets in the right area.
- The more that you reinforce positive behavior the more he will start to associate going to the toilet in the right place with a treat or lots of praise.
- Make sure that you ignore any accidents or mistake your dog or puppy may make – you must remember accidents are bound to happen as it is how your dog or puppy learns.
- The main reason for ignoring a possible mistake or accident is that by giving your dog or puppy a telling off or any other verbal commands, you are paying attention to the mistake and this will confuse your dog or puppy.Just reinforce positive dog or puppy behavior.
- When house training a dog or puppy it really is important that you don’t rush through the process.
- Only move forward when you and your pooch have mastered the previous stage.
- Ok so let’s get started with the basics to house training dogs…
- You firstly need to have somewhere that you can confine your dog or puppy top when you are unable to supervise him.
- A crate is a perfect dog training tool as you can closely supervise your pooch and will enable you to recognize the signs that he is about to potty.
- He will also not want to potty on his bedding – its in his instinct to keep his sleeping area clean.
Make sure that the area is safe and that he has water and a safe chew.
Don’t confine your dog or puppy to some distant area in the House as you won’t be able to supervise him and he may start to develop dog behavioral problems
House Training Dogs
Basic Training
- Take your dog or puppy outside first thing in the morning and make sure that you stand close by and wait for him to do his business.
- When he is showing the signs that he his about to potty – use a cue phrase like ‘go potty’ or something and use this every-time that you go out to toilet.
- When he has done his business give him a treat and lots of praise.
- After your dog or puppy has done his business take him back inside, or have some play time as a reward for his good behavior.
- By playing with your dog or puppy after he as done his business it will encourage him to potty faster as he will want the reward of some play time.
- Continue to take your dog or puppy outside every hour after the first hour, in the morning after food and after exercise.
- When house training dogs especially in the first week, keep a note book and record the times that he dopes his business.This will enable you to recognize when he is more likely to potty and will lessen the amount of time that you need to keep going outside.
- Always place your dog in his crate during the day, this will enable you to closely supervise him.
- Never use the crate as a punishment tool – you can get more information in our section on crate training a puppy and crate training a dog.
- Crates are great dog training tools and devices that need to be used when house training a dog, however do not leave your pooch in his crate for endless hours as this is cruel.
House Training Dogs Important Tips
- Remember don’t tell your dog or puppy off as you are only paying more attention to the accident.
- If you do make the mistake of telling your dog or puppy off if he makes a mistake – he may become nervous about toileting in front of you and end up finding discreet areas around the House to have an accident.
- If your dog or puppy is have to go to the toilet too regularly or his poop is too runny – take him to the vet.
- If you and your dog have still not mastered the house training process and accidents are still happening then you may need to visit the vet and make sure there are no other underlying problems.
For information on house training puppies take a look at our section on
house training a puppy.
For adult dogs then check out our section on house training a dog
If you would also like more advice on puppy potty training then check out our section on potty training a puppy.
If you own an adult dog then you may find our section on potty training a dog more useful.
Click on the links below for more information and advice on house training dogs and puppies where we provide all the free puppy & dog training tips techniques that you should ever need to get a mess free house!