How to Train a Dog, Dog Training Techniques, Dog Training Methods

In this section you will learn how to train a dog fast and effectively as we have provided all the best free dog training tools, tips, methods, techniques and advice that you will ever need to succeed.
Over the next few pages you will learn dog obedience training, dog leash training, dog behavior training…tips on leash training a puppy and other basic and more advanced dog training methods.
For problem behavior such as dog separation anxiety and techniques on how to stop dog barking, chewing, digging, jumping up… etc take a look at our section on dog behavioral problems.
You name it we will try and cover it throughout this section and our other sections!
Take the opportunity to browse this page and our other pages and learn everything there is to know about dog training.
How to Train a Dog – Step by Step
Learning how to train a dog properly can be easily achieved at home working for a short period each day – dog obedience training should not need long periods of intense training as you are training your dog with every command and gesture that you use throughout the day.
This is how your dog will be trained – through a constant and consistent training environment where bad dog behavior is not allowed to take root – eliminating the need for long bouts of exhausting training sessions.
Of course bad dog behavior does happen – but over the next few pages we hope to train you how to tackle any training problems and sign post you in the right direction should you need any more intense specialist and in depth training advice.
Why Should I Learn How to Train a Dog?
Dogs and humans now live in close proximity with each other in an environment that is shaped by technology and different cultures.
If a dog has not been trained how to behave in it’s environment and trained to understand basic dog training commands the dog is quite likely to behave in a manner that could be harmful to people.
The reasons why people often learn how to train a dog is that they want to be able to trust their dog with other people, children, other animals and dogs – basically anything that their dog may interact with in it’s life.
A dog needs and wants to be trained and have the guidance of a strong leader and positive role model.
Dogs are a pack animal and in their normal environment their would be a pack leader or alpha male with different levels of hierarchy throughout the pack.
If you relate this to you and your dog it means you are the pack leader and alpha male. Consequently a dog needs to know his own position within the pack i.e your family so that he can adjust his behavior accordingly.
Quick Note
We recently trained a dog who did not have what he considered to be a pack leader or alpha male within the family. When this dog called Simba was taken for a walk and released she would run off, chased other dogs and killed pheasants and chickens.
The family could not understand why Simba would not attack the Ducks from across the road.
The reason Simba left the Ducks alone and had not killed them was that Simba could see the Ducks from the kitchen window and considered them to be part of her pack!
Now you can see why it is so important to start dog obedience training from day one, otherwise you may end up owning another Simba.
How to Train a Dog – Dog Psychology
Understand How your Dog Feels.
If you want you want to be successful when dog obedience training you need to develop your understanding as to how your dog feels.
Imagine yourself in your dog’s position if you start to understand what makes your dog happy or sad you will be able to develop a more structured and ultimately more successful dog training regime.
You can use many different dog training techniques to achieve this including:
1. Classical conditioning,
2. Negative reinforcement,
3. Positive reinforcement
It doesn’t matter which dog training tools or techniques you use as long as you are consistent and fair.
#Quick Tip
When learning how to train a dog you should never start the training regime if you are in a bad mood or angry about something – always try and remain composed – if your dog sees you stressed and hears you shouting at your husband or wife this could lead to dog behavior problems such as house training issues or nervous behavior including submissive urination.
How to Train a Dog – Reward and Praise
Successful obedience training techniques and methods involve constant reward and praise. If you can train your dog to understand the behavior that makes you happy then you are halfway there.
Your dog ultimately wants to make you happy so praise and reward your dog or puppy every-time he responds well to a command as this will make your dog or puppy repeat the positive behavior – this is one of the most important dog training techniques and is very effective if used consistently.
Just because you praise your dog does not mean you shouldn’t reprimand him if his behavior is bad – you need to have boundaries.
If you are going to reprimand your dog do it immediately not five minutes after the event.
‘Good dog’ and ‘no’
It is very important to teach your dog two of the most often used commands – below is a quick guide.
- Ask a friend to stand 3 meters away from you and stand in front of your puppy and call him over – and then give him the ‘sit’ command – we covered it in our session on puppy obedience training.
- When your dog has responded to this command – say ‘good dog’ and raise the pitch of your voice – your dog will learn to associate the high pitch with him being good – then give him a treat.
- Then you should turn your head away from your dog and say ‘no’ in a voice with a slight growl – your puppy will recognize this as disapproval – he will have heard the growl when he was with his mum and younger brothers and sisters.
- By not giving your dog any attention he will recognize this as a loss of privileges.
- Your friend should then call your dog over and continue the exercise.
- Remember to reward and praise your dog after positive behavior.
Dog Obedience Training – A Step by Step Guide
1. Dog Obedience Training: This is an introduction and step by step guide to the different dog training techniques often used when learning how to train a dog.
2. Basic Dog Training: More basic dog obedience training commands including learning how to tran a dog to ‘fetch’ and ‘give’, lie down and walk to heel
3. Dog Training Techniques: An introduction to dog training techniques including how the dog whisperer works, clicker dog training and reward based training methods.
4. Dog Leash Training: An introduction to dog leash training techniques. Learn free dog obedience training tips that teach you how to train a dog to walk beside you to heel and then introducing the leash and how to walk your dog without the pulling.
5. Dog Lead Training: Also known as dog leash training. Here we solve common lead training problems such as your dog climbing up the lead, refusing to walk, chewing the lead, and pulling you.
6. Training your Dog to Sit: Learn basic dog training commands and how to cure aggressive behavior in dogs.