Maltese Shih Tzu Mix, Mal-Shi, Malshi, Maltese Hybrid

The Maltese Shih Tzu mix is fast becoming a very popular breed to own.
This hybrid are also known by a variety of different names inlcuding the Malshi, Mal-shi, Shi-tese or Malti Tzu…
Get all the facts here…
- The Maltese Shih Tzu mix first became popular in the mid 1990’s when the hybrid was first bred. The reason that this dog was originally bred was due to a demand from dog owners for a small lap dog that was friendly, people orientated and didn’t shed fur.
- This mix has fast become the most popular mixed breed in Australia – but they can be found all over the World but especially in Australia and North America.
- This mixed breed are also known as a Malshi, Mal-Shi, Shih-Tese and Malti Tzu.
- This mixed hybrid can come in a variety of colors including white, white with tanned colorings, black and black and brown.
- The mix will normally weigh anywhere from 6 up to 12 pounds and will grow to about 10 inches in height.
- The hybrid are very intelligent which of course makes dog obedience training much easier. Due to their size they are great if you live in an Apartment or Flat – but they do like to have a fair amount of exercise – 20 to 30 minutes a day is ideal which is not only good for your dog but it also helps to strengthen your bond and position as pack leader.
- The long coat and lack of shedding means that they are hypoallergenic so great for people with allergies.
- This mix are very loyal, playful and clever. They can be stubborn sometimes and this can cause a few issues when it comes to house training – but if you remain patient and consistent you will get there. They make excellent watch dogs and are not yappy or excessive barkers. They are a courageous dogs and get along with children and members of the family.