Poodle Grooming Instructions, How to Groom a Poodle

Poodle Grooming Instructions
Poodle grooming instructions have a tendency to vary depending on the person teaching you.
The main reason for this is that each dog groomer may use different styles and have their own specific cut…
We personally think it is always best to learn how to groom a Poodle yourself as this will not only help you bond with your dog, spot early signs and symptoms of illness but also help to save you some money…
Consequently we have provided a few basic tips to help you on your way…
Poodle Grooming Equipment
Clipper | Comb | Towels | Dog Shampoo |
Bath Tub |
Pin Brush |
Scissors – with sharp & blunt tips |
Dog Grooming Table |
Comb | Dog Show Conditioner |
A video with detailed Poodle grooming instructions
How to groom a Poodle step by step…

Poodle Grooming Instructions…
- It’s always a good idea to start by giving your Poodle a good bath as this will remove any dirt and also help to get rid of any tangles and knots.
- After you have bathed your dog – it is very important that you leave your dog to dry before you start grooming – if you don’t the clippers wont be able to work properly.
- Start by using the clippers to do the larger areas on your Poodle as it will take you ages to just use the scissors.
- Obviously it depends on the style you are using but we tend to shave the whole body and then leaving the head, legs and tail with hair.
- You are aiming to create the classic pompoms around the legs – so for this you will need to use the scissors to cut a nice round shape. You can do the same with the tail.
- It is important to use the blunt ended scissors when you are cutting areas around the head – start by trimming around the ears, eyes and then using the scissors to form a rounded shape for the remaining hair.
- It is always best to start by removing small amounts of hair as you can’t replace whats on the floor!
Below are some popular Poodle cuts…
- Continental cut (used in the show ring)
- English saddle cut (used in the show ring)
- Sporting cut
- Lamb cut
- Miami cut
- Puppy clip – (used in the show ring)
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