Seed Ticks, Picture of a Tick, Deer Tick Photo, What do Ticks Look Like

Seed ticks are the early stage in the development of the tick, they are also known as larva or larvae.
Above we have provided a photo of a deer tick during this development stage before it takes it’s next blood feed and hatches into a nymph…just one more stage in it’s life cycle before it becomes an adult.
By understanding what ticks look like you are one step a head and maybe able to avoid your dog getting bitten.
- A seed tick is a term that is often used to describe the very early developmental stage – the larva or larvae when the tick has recently hatched from it’s egg.
- There are currently over 850 species of ticks in the world and when the female lays her eggs – if the weather is mild or there was a mild winter the eggs maybe laid in certain areas of the country.
- After the eggs are laid by the female she will then die and the larva will hatch from the eggs at the same time.
- Seed ticks normally hatch outside and will then look for a host like a dog that they can then attach themselves to.
- Tick eggs are not normally deposited inside the House.
- The term ‘seed’ refers to all species of ticks at the larva stage.
- The larva or seed is normally about the size of a poppy seed or pin head and after it’s first blood feed it will fall of it’s host and the moult – becoming a nymph.
- Sometimes it is possible to remove the larva or seeds with a sticky tape placed over them and then after removing the tape the parasites are then stuck to the tape, thus removing them from your beloved dog or puppy.
Thanks to our friends for the pictures and for more great pictures of ticks take look at our friends here.
It is always a good idea to have your dog or puppy regularly groomed and to also regularly cut the grass and remove any high ground as this is where the little parasites like to hide.
You can also purchase some reasonably priced products that kill the parasite on contact or even prevent them from continuing through their life cycle.