Places to Adopt a Puppy or Puppies, Virtual Puppy Pet Online

Although we have focused on this page how to adopt a dog or puppy from dog shelters and rescue homes a growing number of new owners often choose to start by adopting a virtual puppy or pet online – and we will discuss this option in more detail a little later.
The Facts
We have covered quite allot of detail on choosing a dog and which is the best dog breed to have around children and it important that you read these pages as they give you some vital information on what to consider before you decide to adopt a puppy.
As previously mentioned one of he most common places that new owners go to adopt a puppy is Rescue Centers or Dog Shelters. There is a good reason why you should consider this option as your first base and this is mainly because it is currently estimated that as many as 2 million dogs currently enter dog shelters in the United States every year. This study was undertaken by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy – however there are some estimates that the amount of dogs entering dog shelters every year are as high as 8 million. Another interesting fact is that 25%-40% of all dogs entering dog shelters are pure breeds. The reason why we strongly advocate adopting puppies from shelters is that 1 in 10 of all puppies in dog shelters will ever be adopted.
Why Puppies are Re-Homed
There are a number of reasons why puppy and dog owners choose to re-home their pooch and we have listed some of the reasons below.
- The new owner might not have thought the process through and not taken int account he cost of a new puppy including food bills, vet bills and even insurance.
- Another reason for a new puppy or dog to be re-homed is due to the fact that the owner might not have realised that a new puppy is allot o hard work with each new pooch needing time for exercise, love and attention, clearing up accidents and of course obedience training.
- Accommodation can also be a problem – you really need to think things through – there is no point in adopting a new puppy or dog if your Landlord forbids it. Read your contract carefully and if it stated that pets are not allowed then don’t get one.
- Some new owners even re-home their new puppy or dog after it has become ill. Think things through carefully as vet bills can be expensive. Always consider pet insurance as this is a good way to protect yourself and your dog – but this is another added expense that you need to take into consideration.
- Dog and puppy behavior problems are another reason for re-homing. Nearly all behavioral problems can be cured with basic obedience training tips and techniques.
- Circumstances can also play apart in puppies being taken into Shelters – is it the right time to get a new puppy if you have a new baby or are pregnant? Do you really have time for both?
- Issues around puppy biting and aggressive behavior are also reasons for re-homing especially if you have been bitten.
If you live in the United States of America you will be aware that municipal shelters also work as a rescue home and local pound all in one. Below we have listed some of the best places to adopt a puppy in the United States and also the UK. – A useful place to locate dogs and puppies in your area. – Another useful location to find dogs, puppies and other animals online. – This charity based in America gives lots of useful information on adopting a puppy and dog and what to consider. Also provided are lots of health and financial related dog and puppy information. – One of the biggest and most well known charities in the UK who never put down a rescued dog or puppy.
Expect to be Quizzed and If Not Why Not?
The best places to adopt a puppy or dog should always ask you the owner lots of questions. The whole process should not take a day but should happen over a period of time. The place where you adopt the puppy should also visit your home on a few occasions and really go into some detail as to why you want to adopt a dog or puppy.
If you are not asked lots of questions then I would immediately be suspicious and would go elsewhere. If you have any gut feeling that you are dealing with a puppy farm or mill walk away and report the place to the appropriate authorities. Remember every puppy you adopt from a dodgy ‘shelter’ or farm is providing that person with the money and resources to continue badly treating and mass producing puppies.
Common Questions You Might Be Asked
- You should be asked whether you have owned a dog or puppy before.
- A respectable shelter or rescue home should ask if you have a family or children.
- You might be asked if you are planning on moving House in the near future.
- If the shelter or rescue home are respectable they should visit your home and check whether it is suitable for the type of breed that you want to adopt. For example a Flat might not be appropriate for a Great Dane or St Bernard or any other large breed for that matter. You never know you might have a Zorba on your hands!
- You should be asked if you have other dogs or pets in the House.
- Do you have a garden? This is a common question that should always be asked.
- What size is your property? Do you have room for a new dog or puppy?
- Would you prefer a male or female puppy?
- What kind of personality are you after? Do you want a quiet dog or puppy or do you want a pooch that is more lively.
- Do you have time to exercise your pooch i.e. do you want a Whippet, Greyhound or a lap dog.
- Do you work long hours? This is important because you might have a dog that develops separation anxiety.
- You should also ask how old the puppy is and whether or not the shelter has started potty training. All the very best places to adopt a puppy or dog have a strict process of interviewing potential owners.